By joining today, you’ll get…

  • Access to hours of video tutorials

  • The entire library of PDF workbooks

  • A thriving community of supportive flower friends from all over the world

  • A 1:1 coaching call with me, Alex!

  • Brand new courses every month

  • Invitations to twice-monthly live sessions

  • Access to EXCLUSIVE in-person retreats and courses

The Bloom Collective Retreat

By joining the Bloom Collective, you gain exclusive access to member-only retreats in exciting locations around the world. See what other members had to say about our last retreat in The Netherlands👇🏼

In the Bloom Collective, you’ll get access to brand-new, video content- every. single. month. The monthly PDF guides will provide you with invaluable written knowledge on important aspects of floristry, aimed at supporting you in your career or new venture. In addition to exciting new content, each month we'll have two live sessions: one 'interview-style' conversation with an industry figure who will give a presentation and take questions from you guys, and a live demonstration from yours truly, me! As soon as you sign up for the Bloom Collective, you’ll be able to book a 1:1 onboarding call with me, Alex- just the two of us! I can’t WAIT to know who you are, and if there are any goals or challenges I can help you to sort out. You’ll also get exclusive access to member-only retreats by being a member of the Bloom Collective. And the most exciting part? A custom-built, community network with discussion forums, live chats and DMs between all members!

Hey! I’m Alex

I’ve taken everything I’ve learnt over the years of designing with flowers, building a personal brand and establishing a thriving flower business to create the Bloom Collective. I’ve combined this knowledge with everything I’ve learnt from the hundreds of AMAZING students I’ve already trained, both in person and online, to build a supportive, community space in which you can learn, grow and blossom as the incredible talent I know you are.

But Why?

Why did I decide to create The Bloom Collective? In short, I wanted to create a space where you could learn, both from me as an educator, and from each other as students. To build a network of inspiring floral creatives around the world who will support each other, while making profound, lasting connections. To turn your hobby into a career. To make a dream come true. 

I’ve been there. Four years ago, AC Floral Studio didn’t even exist. I spent years umming and erring about whether or not I should take my interest in flowers more seriously before I finally decided to take the plunge. There were countless nights spent tossing and turning in bed, thinking about and over-analysing images of florals I’d seen on the internet, confused as to how I could even start to make something as incredible as the perfect bouquets and million-dollar weddings I’d been religiously saving to my Pinterest boards. I was worried, too, about how a career shift would look for me and whether or not people would take me seriously. Now, a couple of years on, AC Floral Studio is the most followed floral account in the world on TikTok gathering millions of monthly views, and I’ve managed to turn my Pinterest-scrolling infatuation with flowers into a highly successful six-figure business, known world over. And that’s why I know I can help you. I’ve lived this- tangibly, viscerally, deeply. It’s been a true blessing and has brought me unparalleled happiness, something that I want to share with you.  

If you’ve been thinking about starting a new career, or if you simply just love flowers and want a new hobby, I’m here for you. The Bloom Collective will provide you with a strong network of contacts and friends, cheering you on from the sidelines. It will give you with all the resources, training and content you need to step into the incredibly talented creative you already are. Together, whatever your floral dream is, we’re going to make it happen at the Bloom Collective.

See what past students have to say…